If you are looking for roleplay scenarios to bring into your bedroom, a pirate and hostage situation can be pretty exciting. It’s a great way to incorporate an element of bondage as well as fantasy and adventure into your escapades.
Here are some ideas for how pirate and hostage sex role play ideas can work out in your bedroom.
The pirate can come across a damsel in distress and decide to kidnap her and take her onto his pirate ship. Once there, she must succumb to his will doing everything he says and asks for.
The pirate hostage scenario is perfect for couples who are dabbling in BDSM. The pirate can tie up the damsel and use all sorts of toys. He can blindfold her, whip her or whatever else suits his fancy.
Of course, you can also switch things up to make the woman the pirate and the man the hostage. The man can be looting her ship and she can defend herself and take him prisoner, tying him up and making him do as she says.
Of course, to make the pirate fantasy truly authentic, it is best for both partners to dress up in pirate gear. This can make for a very sexy lingerie look for both men and women.
Things can be even sexier if you can play out these types of roleplay scenarios in a waterbed or better yet on a cruise ship or some other type of water vehicle.
These are just some ideas of pirate and hostage scenarios that you can experience in your bedroom. Where you choose to take it is up to you. But whatever you do, you can be sure there will be plenty of…um…booty involved.
And don’t forget to treat yourself with a piece of Erotic Lingerie or Elegant Lingerie coupled with a body harness fashion lingerie or body chain fashion lingerie!